Top +3 Hitachi Indonesia Kulkas Paling Update. April 28 2021 Progress of the 2021 Mid-term Management Plan. And Modern Group where its majority share is owned by Hitachi Ltd.
Top +7 21 people like this. April 28 2021 Progress of the 2021 Mid-term Management Plan. With the latest advanced technology and the trust that comes with a 100-year reputation for reliability Hitachi is committed to finding integrated solutions that provide reliable and energy efficient home appliances and multimedia products. New Update
Top +3 Vacuum pump maintain 08 atmospheric pressure. Update 2021
Di Hitachi fokus kunci inovasi sosial kami adalah untuk menciptakan solusi yang berpandangan ke depan sehingga Anda dapat menaikkan dan meningkatkan gaya hidup Anda. Hitachi Modern Sales Indonesia is a PMA company that was founded in 2007 under the cooperation of Hitachi Ltd. Sistem Smart Life Ramah Lingkungan. Salah satu bukti mengapa lemari es ini perlu Anda pertimbangkan berdasarkan teknologi Minus Zero Cooling tadi ialah bilamana lemari es lain membutuhkan waktu hingga 170 menit untuk membuat satu es.